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java's lineage and The stage is set for Java ?

   Java's lineage-->   Java is related to C++, which is direct descendant of C.Much of the character of java is inherited from these two languages. From C, java derives its syntax. many of java's Object Oriented features were influenced by C++. In fact , several of java's defining characteristics come from -- or are responses to-- its predecessors. Moreover , the creation of java was deeply rooted in the process of refinement and adaptation that was has been occurring in computer programming languages for the past several decades. For these reasons , this section reviews the sequence of events and forces that led to java.As you will see, each innovation in languages could not be solve. Java is no Exception. The stage is set for java-->      By the end of the 1980s and the early 1990s, object - oriented programming using c++ took hold. Indeed , for a brief moment it seemed as if programmers had finally found the perfect language Because C++ blen...

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